Labrador Landscape Supplies

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A landscape supply near me? Especially if you’re in the Gold Coast or Brisbane areas? You can depend on Labrador Landscape Supplies for all your landscape gardening needs. More so if you’re growing a vegetable garden during this time of the coronavirus pandemic. And since vegetables are susceptible plants, you need to plan ahead or at least start now on how to handle pests that could kill your precious veggies.

The Challenge of Pests

A pest is anything or any organism that can cause harm or sudden significant damage to any vegetable garden. Thus, if you are serious in growing a vegetable garden, you need to plan well, monitor, and intervene with steps to reduce the likelihood of pests being successful. Remember that these pests are smart and will hit your garden when you’re not looking, or at least attempt to stay hidden.

Know Your Plants Well, and the Pests Around You

When you know your plants well, you will know what specific pests love to gorge on them. This is because some insect pests are picky and will feed only on specific plants. For instance, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes attract the African Black Beetle. Slugs love to eat everything. Also, take note of the possible pests that could be roaming around. If you have pets like cats and dogs, take measures to keep them away from your veggies. If you live in a rural setting, take note of Rusa deer, spiders, rats, crows, mynas, palm squirrels, feral animals, fox, and dingoes. Some of these animals will dig out root crops, while others love to munch on leaves and ripened vegetables. 

Protecting Your Vegetables

For large pests, you may want to invest in wire fences with moats of sharp stones. You may also want to surround garden plots with stone or sand moats to protect against snails or slugs. If you’re in desperate need to use pesticides, make sure to try out organic ones first, and make sure to always follow the instructional labels on applications to protect the health of your family and pets. Ask Labrador Landscape Supplies about cypress mulch and other types of mulch and bark that pests don’t like, as well as stones and sand.

Labrador Landscape Supplies

Whether you are a new or seasoned gardener, if you need to cry out, “Is there a landscape supply near me?” then all you need is to visit the Labrador Landscape Supplies website, and they can help you in your fight against garden pests. They offer a complete line of landscape and garden supplies for all your garden needs. Visit them at

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